Welcome Little Hawk Alliance Members to the 2024/25 School Year!
Welcome Little Hawk Families!
We are less than 1 month before the 2024/25 school year! The Little Hawk Alliance has been hard at work and in transition. This year we are returning our core set of board members and volunteers, we are ready to start the school year with many plans and activities. Many of us were new last year and trying to figure things out, but we are no longer rookies and we are ready to take on new challenges and enhance our commitment to help our kids, the Administration and our fantastic teachers. Please join us so we can put together more events and activities at Mountlake Terrace Elementary school.
If you are new to the school, the Little Hawk Alliance is Mountlake Terrace Elementary’s Parent Teacher Organization. We are looking forward to continuing the working partnership that has been established with the Administration, our amazing Teachers, our invaluable Staff and our families to provide an excellent learning experience and additional enrichment opportunities for our children. If you are a returning family, you likely know that COVID changed a lot for us, but hopefully you are as excited as we are to re-establish and continue some of our best traditions and create new ones.
As an individual with a child at Mountlake Terrace Elementary, you are automatically a member of the Little Hawk Alliance. The Little Hawk Alliance works collaboratively to support the school through many events and volunteer opportunities. We are all trying to give our kids the best educational and social experience possible. This could not happen without the donation of time and resources from all of you. We would love for you to show your support by participating in the events and activities planned throughout the year. Your participation might be that of a committee member, volunteer, or as an attendee. Whatever level of participation you select, your time and involvement will certainly be appreciated.
In addition to events, we invite you to attend the Little Hawk Alliance meetings as you can. Typically, meetings are held the third Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Mountlake Terrace Elementary School Library (see attached schedule).
Thank you for all that you do for our Little Hawks! I am looking forward to a year of new opportunities and getting to know many more of our members. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in volunteering.
Natalie Moore/Jamie Himmerich
Little Hawk Alliance Co-Presidents